Minggu, 15 Desember 2019



Why I choose to study in IAIN BUKITTINGGI?
Many think why I choose to study in IAIN BUKITTINGGI
English is an international language English is the number one international language. If you learn this language, you already have the provisions to travel the world without fear of differences in languages ​​that exist.
This is a question from one of my lecturers when I first went to college. The average reason my classmates at that time was because I liked English and English was the language of the world. I am no it, why don't you take the course? Instead of wasting years studying English exception. After we gave reasons, my lecturer responded: "If you just like Literature. " The class was immediately quiet. And that's like a whip for me personally. CLICK THIS FOR WACTHING

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Jack C. Richards Curriculum Development in Language Teaching Cambridge Language Education.pdf

Book Description This text provides a systematic introduction to the issues involved in planning, developing, and managing effect...